I took Shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers a couple of years ago and this year I signed up for her new class Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers but life has got in the way and I've not managed to do more than read the prompts and tech bits so far although they have got my imagination fired up and raring to go. My new problem is: Where to start?
Originally this blog was just a place to keep things I wanted to remember, then to share my love of crafting and more recently, ok last year, my tentative steps into running. As my crafting changed to demoing I set up a craft blog and to keep track of my family tree stuff I setup a family tree blog and website. Result - to much stuff in to many places and none of it co-ordinated or organised and so I forget to update or cant decide what should go where.
So my belated 10 things on the tenth are 10 things to do
1: Start with a post a week on each site
2: Decide what goes where
3: Possibly merge my blogs into one to cover everything
4: Pick a look that is me as I am
5: Find or make a template or theme to match the look
6: Make time to craft, run, blog and live
7: Take more day to day photos
8: Try to be on time more.
9: Have a plan of action
10: Work to live not live to work
I'll let you know next week how I'm getting on :)