Its Monday and I should be at work excitedly waiting for Shimelles first blogging prompt and instead I'm at home wrapped up with the heating on, a supply of painkillers, hot juice and
Tamiflu! I'd been feeling sniffly and coughing all last week but on Thursday things got worse while at work so after a detour to stock up on painkillers, juice and tissues I decided to wrap up warm and have an early night. However by 3am i was awake splitting headache, sore throat, stuffed nose, my asthma had kicked in and then my temperature began to rocket.
So I muddled through the night, as you do, trying to find a position you can sleep in but not wanting to bother anyone as its night time. Eventually had to admit defeat and phoned in sick on Friday morning still part of me thinking its a cold it will get better but as by afternoon my temp was still over 38 I decided I better check with the health centre.
After Several phone calls including NHS 24, several hours and many questionaires I had a call back from a Doctor to advise that I had Flu - they are treating it as swine flu and I am now in quarantine till this Friday. I then had to phone my dad to go and pick up the tamiflu for me as obviously they would rather I didnt leave the house :)
Now if i were fit and well a week of work to play with my blog or craft stuff would be great BUT as I'm getting out of breath and tired just walking up the stairs my activity this week may be limited :(
Hoping to join in more with the class as my meds kick in and hoping I'm feeling better soon. At least my temperatures nearer normal now so thats a start.