Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year

Well that was 2010. It went by quite quickly seems like no time at all since I posted this entry in December 2009.

" I'm going to concentrate on what I CAN do and how to do it not what I cant. "

This year I managed to lose a stone in weight and can now run 4km so I'm going to keep the word CAN for another year.

I CAN lose more weight, I CAN run further, I CAN be more organised, I CAN keep in touch more, I CAN enjoy life as it comes.

To do this I will
  • Continue with Weightwatchers and get to grips with their new ProPoints system.
  • Keep up the weekly runs and stretch my distances with the Running Bug
  • Set up routines and good habits with Flylady
  • Do more than just play games on Facebook
Roll on 2011!
Quote for the year ahead - "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." (Herm Albright)